Melissa Gutierrez, PT, DPT, CLT

Physical Therapy

Practices In: Mishawaka, South Bend
Patients Seen: All Ages
Clinical Interests

I spe­cial­ize in pelvic floor rehab for women, men and chil­dren with var­i­ous pelvic floor dys­func­tions includ­ing: uri­nary or fecal incon­ti­nence, con­sti­pa­tion, void­ing dis­or­ders, pelvic pain, pain with inter­course, pelvic organ pro­lapse, post-prosta­te­c­to­my incon­ti­nence, and post-sur­gi­cal pain. I am also a cer­ti­fied lym­phede­ma ther­a­pist with areas of inter­est relat­ed to breast, gyne­co­log­i­cal, and col­orec­tal cancers.